*You are only one person...there is only so much you can do. Or as my dad says: "Eat the elephant one bite at a time."
*Connecting with good friends is important. Make sure to make time for it!
*My feelings always let me know the truth
*Scott Pilgrim versus the World rocks! I need to own this movie...and the soundtrack if possible
*You really are a BIG nerd
*Boundaries are important...make sure you use them!
*Keep doing things you love
*Shopping therapy is important for your mental health. Treat yourself once in awhile
* I'm too sensitive to drink black tea...I need to find alternatives
*Yoga, yoga and more yoga
*Cute boys make me blush
*As my son likes to say: show me the rule book!
*Christmas is around the corner. I need to get my butt in gear
* No more complaints and wear my complaint free world bracelet until it I stop
*You never know what's going on in someone's life by just looking at them. I love the stories
*I really do geek out about anything to do with: vampires, my hair (I want to get it as straight as my hairdresser does), Jersey Shore and New Age stuff
*Bring more music into your life...it's important!
AND last but not least....
Remember: everything is in divine perfect order and will unfold as it should
With love,