I have decided to begin this blog with a very intentional purpose. I am a huge fan of Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author who has written the most amazing books that have had a profound influence in my life. I am also an intense follower of his blog which I check on a regular basis (check it out at http://paulocoelhoblog.com/).
I usually find really insightful material on his page that either validates my experiences or tells me exactly what I need to hear. I became particularly inspired with one of his entries called Everyday Master. In this entry, Paulo discusses how someone once asked him to teach her something important. In response, he told her that she should keep a diary for the next 6 months called Everyday Masters, because (and I quote) "We always learn something different between dawn and dusk: why not write it down?" I instantly became inspired.
I thought that it would be a great idea to take up myself and it couldn't have been more perfect time. I am a strong believer that everything you need to know is right in front of you but you just have to take the time to be present and notice it. At the present moment, I feel as if I am being reinvented (hence the picture above). I feel like there are many times in your life when the old things that used to work for you, no longer work and we are constantly in a state of reinvention where we attempt to redefine ourselves.
I presently feel as if I am in this state of flux-of knowing but not knowing, being present and being absolutely lost at the same time. In the past this would have set me into a state of panic but I am beginning to become accustomed to this state of limbo if you will.
So while I am in this state of total and absolute doubt and curiosity, I thought that this would be a perfect way to discover all that is in front of me....waiting to be discovered. I have decided to take on the challenge of the Everyday master in attempts to pay attention to the little things that happen in our lives that we often are too busy to see. I call these serendipitous events Magical Moments (hence the title of this blog) because they instantly remind you that the universe is always conspiring.
I don't know how this journey will turn out but I am excited to find out and hope that you will take this journey with me.
That being said, I will end this entry with a quote, as I embark into the unknown. This quote is from the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The main character Bella is conversing with her vampire boyfriend Edward. Edward says, "It is twilight. It's the safest time for us. the easiest time. but also the saddest in a way. the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so predictable, don't you think?" To this, Bella replies, "I like the night. Without the dark we'd never see the stars."
Light and love,
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