Wednesday, January 27, 2010

True to self

Found this in my inbox today from a daily e-letter that I subscribe to....I love the message because it rings so true to me!

Wednesday January 27, 2010

Everything begins and ends with our own individual behavior.When we are honest with our emotions, however dark they may be, we invite others to be real and to face their own pain. And then real transformation can occur - that's how we are going to fix this planet.But when we suppress, when we are fake, we send a message out to others that they need to be fake too and hold in their truth. This is how things will remain the same.Today, be real. You don't need to be anyone else but who you are. Being honest helps the rest of us find our truth.

Love and light,


Friday, January 8, 2010

My 2009 Gratitude List

Instead of resolutions I decided to do a gratitude list. And here it is...

-sweet boy hugs and kisses

-anusara yoga in magical studio

-people who walk awake

-brothers who show their love in the littlest yet most meaningful ways

-healing homeopathy

-lush, lush and more lush :)

-driven social workers who dare to do things differently

-the light


-universe's blessings

-dedicated dad: who loves harder as time moves forward

-inspirational teachers

-friends who lovingly hold you as you are

-courageous feeling people

-family that shows love through keeping traditions alive

-west coast cousins who will be closer soon :)

-natural manes


-mom that gets closer even though she may be far

-healing home with a big heart

-kitten's whiny meow

-late night talks and laughs

-the moving sound of DeLory's chants

-a feeling heart

-blissful moments
-community of peace and love where you are given permission to just be

-Coupland and Coelho

-serendipitous moments of love

Love and light,
